Magical Gratitude. ✨✨

Waking up each morning and feeling grateful is such an important way to start your day, thinking through the things you are thankful for when you wake up is one way to guarantee your day is going to be full of all things magical.

I believe that being thankful and feeling gratitude is one of the most important things to practice throughout life, because when you are thankful that can only mean you are feeling good. Feeling good is the way we should be feeling 24/7, life’s all about the good vibes and it’s our right to be happy.

Whatever your situation in life, there are so many things to be thankful for. Just the beautiful fact that we are alive is something we should all feel unbelievably grateful for, we have a life filled with opportunties to take and make the most of and a future that if we continue to feel grateful and positive, can be everything we wish it to be.

Obviously it’s simply nice to be a grateful person, I’m sure we can all agree that it is much nicer to be around someone who is always thankful and talking about their fortunes rather than someone who complains about everything. Not only is it lovely to be grateful, but the Law Of Attraction says that like attracts like. So when you are grateful for something, you are attracting more of that into your life. The more gratitude you feel for something the more you will notice life becoming better than ever. Are you grateful for the love you receive? The more grateful you feel for the love in your life, the more love you shall see in your life. Are you grateful for the money you earn? Guess what?! The more grateful you feel for the money you earn, the more money you will attract into your life

✨The more you feel gratitude, the more you are thankful for the life you live, the more you shall receive things to be grateful for.✨

With gratitude comes the word thankyou.

Thankyou is one of the most important words you can use on a daily basis and I aim to give thanks as much as possible. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. If someone does something nice for you, thank them truly and feel the gratitude deep in your heart. It’s nice to take it a little further and consider why you are thankful. When a customer buys a product from me at work I truly feel grateful because that customer has just taken me one step closer to hitting my targets. So be thankful, but really think about the reason behind your gratitude too.

To really make the most of the power of gratitude, it’s a brilliant idea to write a little list of the things you are grateful for as soon as you wake up in the morning to really get your day started in the right way and to get you feeling good, good, good.

I do have a gratitude journal, but 99% of the time I write up what I’m grateful for in the notes section of my phone just because it’s a little easier than putting pen to paper.

So on that note, I am going to leave here a little list of what I am thankful for today-

•I am truly thankful that I had a brilliant day yesterday playing golf with my family, and then going home to have a lovely dinner with my sisters boyfriend joining us. The day was full of happiness, laughter and smiles and I am thankful I got to make such happy memories with my loved ones, because they mean so much to me and I live for the happy times we spend together. Thankyou, thankyou thankyou.

•I am truly thankful that I am off to Amsterdam next month with my bestie Emily. Amsterdam has been on my travel bucket list for a good couple of years now and I’m so excited that I finally have plans to go. I am so thankful that I have this trip to look forward to and I know I’m going to have a great time with Emily. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

•I am truly grateful that I have just hit 200 followers on my blog. I absolutely love blogging, it’s something I enjoy so much and I’m really thankful that people take the time out of their day to follow me and read my posts. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.


You can list as many things you are grateful for each day, and add to it as the day goes on even. Obviously the more you add to your list, the more feelings of gratitude will overwhelm you and you will be on a super high frequency, therefore attracting so much more magic into your life. Even if you don’t physically keep a gratitude list, be sure to keep a mental list of everything you are thankful for.

‘Thankyou’ is such a simple word, yet it’s capable of so much. 

This post was inspired by The Magic by Rhonda Byrne, especially the Day 1 magic practice. I highly reccommend this book along with The Secret also by Rhonda Byrne.


Lastly, Thank YOU for reading this post. I would be so grateful if you left a comment for me below with a list of things that you are grateful for.

With lots of love, Jennie. ❤️✨ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


      1. I literally saved your post after I finished reading it. You’re such a sweetheart ❤ I am feeling okay, i’m nearly back to myself 🙂 I should be back by the end of the month if not sooner :). How have you been? Xxx


      2. Thats so sweet!! So are you!! Thats good to hear! I’m glad you’re looking after yourself. Just come back when you’re ready hun! Yeah I have been good thankyou, just so excited for Amsterdam!! Xxx

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  1. I can definitely relate to this. I believe that being grateful is something everyone should have in their lives. I’d even done a similar post earlier! It was nice seeing someone else share my views too!

    Liked by 1 person

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