Weekly Fitness | Gym, Swim & Weights

Hey guys!

Firstly, I can’t believe how much I’ve slacked on the blog lately. I’ve only uploaded one post this month so far which was embarrassingly filled with typos and mistakes… oops. I have just been so busy lately, seeing friends, spending time with family and of course going to the GYM

Which brings me to my second point of discussion.

A couple of weeks ago I published my first ever Fit Fridays post, which was supposed to be the start of a weekly blog series documenting my fitness journey… though that hasn’t gone exactly to plan considering I haven’t done a fitness post since.

I have meant to, it’s just more often than not I get home so late on a Friday night I’m too tired to get my laptop out and blog, I just wanna get my pyjamas on and go to bed.

I’ve decided now that rather than doing ‘Fit Fridays’ I’m going to do ‘Weekly Fitness’ instead. So I can write about my fitness journey either on a Friday or Saturday each week without having to switch up the series name every time (because Fit Saturdays just doesn’t work).

Which brings me to the actual point of todays post,

my fitness progress.

My second week of my official journey wasn’t the best as I only made it to the gym once (still better than nothing) and Emily and I swapped our weekly walk for Pizza Hut. Oops. You’ve gotta treat yourselves sometimes though right?

Then on Saturday any sign of healthy eating went completely out the window as the work gals and I went out for Atlanta’s birthday and we consumed way too much bread, drank a little too much and finished the night with a big ol’ McDonalds.


The week wasn’t a complete right off though as I had fun with my friends and of course I did make it to the gym once. Like they say, slow progress is better than no progress.

In contrast to last week, this week has been excellent health and fitness wise.

I’ve been to the gym three times and stuck to my eating plan – 3 main meals and only two little treats a day. I even managed to resist the temptation of chocolate fingers the other night, impressive or what?

My workouts at the gym have been brilliant too. On Tuesday Atlanta, Charlotte and I had a great cardio and weights session where I worked a little more on my arms – they were hurting for days afterwards.

No pain no gain.

Last night I had a really fun sesh with the girls – Atlanta, Bridge, Tiff and Charlotte. We started off with weights, which I really struggled with but I gave them a go, followed by a short spot of cardio on the bikes and cross trainers. We then headed up to the studio and worked on arms and abs, using yoga balls, punching gloves and rope. This was so much fun and required a lot of effort, I felt like I’d worked harder than ever after this. More studio time is a must in the future.

This morning I managed to drag myself out of bed so Mum could use my visitors pass and join me at the gym.

We had a great time. We smashed cardio and I had a nice go using the Stair Master which is such hard work but soooo good. I managed weights for about a minute until I started to feel a little ill, so Mum and I decided to call it a day and head to the pool. We had a swim and I managed 8 laps which is the most I’ve done so far, then we finished our day off with some Jacuzzi and Steam Room time, perfect.

All in all this week has been great for fitness and I am so thrilled as I’m really starting to see some changes in my body and everybody keeps mentioning how much weight I’ve lost. Amazing!!!

I am so looking forward to seeing what next week holds and I can’t wait to update you all again soon with my progress.

Thank you all for reading,




  1. Don’t be too hard on yourself on blogging, life happens ,can’t wait to read more of your fitness post ..they’re very inspiring😄


  2. I love your honesty in this post so much! Getting on the path to working out and eating well is HARD and its totally 100% okay to eat pizza! LOL Some days/weeks will be better than others but like you said even a little bit is better than nothing! I’m proud of you for still going and keeping up with the work outs! The stair master is my worst enemy but it’s one of the best work outs. I’ve been going on it too…although I pretty much die afterwards lol And wait a minute your gym is a jacuzzi!?!? LUCKY!!!

    xo, JJ


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