25 Facts About Me

Hello everyone.

After reading Katie’s 25 More Facts About Me post over on Katie’s Sanctuary Blog (one of my favourite blogs by the way) I felt inspired to do a similar post myself because it was something I found really interesting and enjoyable to read. I mean, I’ve always thought of doing a 25 facts about me post but I was never sure whether to or not, but lets face it, we all love to have a little nose into other peoples lives don’t we? And we all love to talk about ourselves… whether we’ll admit to it or not so really, this post is a win/win for everyone involved. I get to embrace my inner narcissist and ramble on about me, and you guys get to have a nosey. Perfect!

1. I moved to Menorca when I was 16 years old with my parents and we lived there for just a few days short of a year. It was essentially one long holiday for me as I didn’t have a job and I spent my days lounging around the pool or exploring with my family. It was an amazing experience however I did struggle a lot. All my friends back home were growing up and doing their own thing, going to house parties, drinking, dating and working and I was lonely having moved to a new country where I knew nobody. Eventually I did make a handful of friends to hang out with outside of my family life, but it sure as heck took a long time and it was difficult when I would see my friends posting together on social media. However I wouldn’t change my experience there for the world and I was very lucky because all of my friends back in England skyped me often and made an effort to maintain a friendship with me. One time I visited for a week and they even threw me a surprise party, which was very sweet. I only speak to two out of eight of the girls now, but even so I am grateful for the loyalty they all kept whilst I was away.

2. Speaking of friends, my best friend Emily and I have been friends since we were 5 years old. That’s a solid 17 years, how amazing is that? We’ve grown up together, she’s a part of my past, present and future. She means the world to me and I am so thankful to have her in my life. I can’t wait for our holiday to Florida together next month!

3. My family mean the world to me. I love them all so much and I’m always looking to spend as much quality time with them as possible. Even when I’m 30 years old, married and possibly with children, I still wanna be going on holiday with them and moving out on my own?? Don’t even get me started! I can’t even imagine not living with my parents, seeing them every day, watching the soaps and eating dinner together. I love them soooo much.


4. I have two beautiful nieces who I haven’t seen for almost two years now. My eldest sister decided to estrange herself from the family and we haven’t spoken in years. I’ve not a clue what her problem is, but it breaks my heart that I don’t get to see my girls grow up. The hardest part is not being able to be there for them, growing up is difficult and at the age they’re at now it can be a scary time. Mollie moved up to secondary school last year and Imogen will soon be on her way, I want them to be okay and if they’re ever upset or down about anything I want to be able to help them. I know they’re fine and they have an abundance of family and friends to look after them, I just hope they know how much I will always love them regardless if I’m actively involved in their lives or not.

5. Along with my beautiful nieces, I also have a gorgeous nephew who thankfully I do get to see! Tommy is my brothers child and he’s the sweetest little thing, he’s three years old and an absolute treasure. He’s such a sweet, joyful child, always smiling and an absolute lover of all things cars. When I go to Disney World next month, I’m going to buy him so much Lightning McQueen merchandise. To me, one of the most important things is seeing that smile on his face and making sure he’s happy. I love him so much.

6. I’ve lived in over 10 different houses/villas/hotels and I’m only 22 years old. I started off my life in Surrey where I lived until I was 5 years old when my family and I moved to Milton Keynes. I lived there for the majority of my life until my parents and I set off for our Menorcan adventure where I moved from apartment to apartment three times. Moving back from Spain, my parents and I decided to set up base in Scarborough to be closer to my sister Zoë who lived there at the time. For a few weeks we had to live in a hotel because it was difficult to find a proper home, eventually we found a little apartment but it just wasn’t working for us, so we moved back to Milton Keynes and so far we’ve lived at my Nans, found a flat which we rented for three years, had to move out of said flat because the landlord got reimbursed, moved into an apartment, had to go back to my Nans, moved into another house until we ended up where I am now. I’ll be moving again soon in a couple of months, because this house is only rented and the lease will be up soon. We’re not planning on renewing it because the place is kind of small, but our goal is to go into shared ownership in the next year or two. I’m exhausted just thinking about it all!

7. Along with all the houses I’ve lived in, I’ve also had a grand total of 8 jobs. I worked at Costa Coffee for 9 months before I moved to Menorca where I never even graduated to coffee maker, I was always on the tills or pot wash! Then when I was back from Spain I got a part time unofficial job at a golf club which I’m pretty sure I was fired from as one day they just never called me in for another shift, followed by stints at Monsoon, Superdrug, Peacocks and more. I’ve been at my current job for over a year and five months now which means soon it will be my longest ever employment, definitely a good thing because I love what I do and really enjoy my working life.

8. I left my job at Superdrug because I worked with my ex and being the charmer he was, he decided to couple up with another girl who also happened to be a colleague. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t a comfortable situation. I lasted a couple of months before the majority of my best work friends left and I couldn’t do it alone, so I handed in my notice with not another job to go to and thought ‘f*ck it’. Thankfully I’ve moved on from this situation and after years of on and offs, I’m well and truly over my ex and couldn’t be happier! Boy, bye.

9. I’ve been single for around four years now, mostly due to the fact my ex and I were off and on again for the majority of my adult life so far so I was never really free to move on. I have dated/seen other people but nothing ever amounted to anything, some things just aren’t meant to be. I think even if I was fully over my ex at the time, it still wouldn’t have changed my outcome with other relationships. Even so, it would be nice to have a boyfriend but I’m in no rush whatsoever. I’m only young, there’s time to come for all that. I’m just going with the flow but what I will say is piece of advice: Ladies (and gents) an ex is an ex for a reason!!! Forgive once maybe, but if it doesn’t work the second time, then it’s not worth the heartache of trying again a third, a fourth and a fifth time. Let that shit go and don’t look back.

Okay… onto the more trivial facts now.

10. My favourite colour is pink. On Wednesdays we wear pink, on Thursdays we wear pink, on Fridays we wear pink, everyday we wear pink.

11. My least favourite Disney princess is Ariel. I think she’s so selfish and all she cares about is Prince Eric. It’s a shame because I love mermaids, but Ariel ain’t the one.

12. Growing up I attended a Saturday theatre school which I loved, however I gave it up after a few years because I wanted to stay at home and watch the Disney Channel. Standard.

13. If I could re-do my life I would definitely focus on learning dance from a young age, specifically ballet. It’s so graceful and beautiful and I would just love to be a ballerina. You’re never too old to follow your dreams however, so watch this space.

14. I love birthday cake. I have been known to go out and buy a full serves 8 people kind-a cake just as a snack to eat whilst I watch Netflix. A gals gotta do what a gals gotta do.

15. I love reading. My favourite author is Jane Costello, but I also love Jackie Collins and Jill Mansell. My favourite books of 2016 were The Ice Twins, The Girl On The Train and Summer Nights at The Moonlight Hotel.

16. I used to make music videos on YouTube and it was one of my favourite hobbies. Even now when I listen to music, I often find myself creating music videos in my head. Is anyone else the same?

17. I’m obsessed with Yorkshire puddings, so much so that when I lived in Menorca you couldn’t buy Yorkshire puddings out there, so my grandparents sent me over mixture to make my own.

18. I studied make-up at college and have a qualification in make-up artistry. I really struggled with the course at first and felt like I couldn’t do anything. I’m so glad I stuck it out though otherwise I wouldn’t be where I am today. Here are some of my favourite looks I created whilst taking the course:

19. Thanks to my college course I got to be a backstage MUA at the 2015 Kerrang Music awards which involved making people over as zombies and also getting to perform as one myself out in the crowd for a ‘zombie invasion’. We literally went out into the audience for about 5 minutes but it was so exhilarating, because the tables we ‘zombie-d’ past were seating big names such as the lads from 5SOS and similar rock-y bands. It was crazy exciting and afterwards we got to watch the rest of the show, where I saw Marilyn Manson accept an award and a performance from Dynamo. It was an amazing day!

20. I love all things Law Of Attraction and I’m a very spiritual person. I’m a big believer in the power of positivity, gratitude and visualisation. I treat The Secret by Rhonda Byrne like my bible and I would highly encourage everybody to read it at some point in their lives. It will change your whole life.

21. I’ve never broken a bone, touch wood.

22. I love going to concerts and some of my favourite people I’ve seen live have been Eminem, Steve Aoki, Example and One Direction.

23. My dream house is a mansion in St George’s Hill. Yes please!

24. I love going to theatre to see musicals. This year I have seen School Of Rock and I’m off to see Dreamgirls in October. I can’t wait!

25. Finally for the last fact, I love eating healthy and my favourite fruits are bananas, grapes and raisins!

Phew, do you feel like you’ve learnt something new?

I hope everybody enjoyed this post,

if you’ve done something similar let me know so I can read your 25 facts!

Thank you for reading,




  1. Hello Jennie! my daughter is crazy also with Lightning Mcqueen & she’s 3 as well. I think you have a soft heart that you are super close to your family, nephew & nieces, really sweet!
    I learned more about you and Just wanted to say that you did a great job!


  2. Ahhhh I can’t believe Florida is coming so soooo soon for you two!!!! EEK! Okay your moving experience, I’ve been there done that too!!! IT STINKS!!! Mine was mostly going back and forth between my mom and dad’s (they divorced when I was way little) and my dad moved a bunch of times and so did my mom and so my sister and I were going back and forth it was a lot to keep up with LOL but eventually both of them settled in houses which was good because my sister and I had to go to school and what not so we finally found stability. But now I’m doing just the same lol apartment to apartment, I haven’t stayed in my own apartment for more than a year EXCEPT I think Andrew and I are going to renew our current lease which is a relief because we won’t have to worry about the hassles of moving for a year lol Your nieces and nephew are so darn adorableee- Tommy and his bright blonde hair I can’t even lol I remember reading a past post where you talked about working in the same place as your ex’s new gal…. ugh, I wouldn’t be able to deal with that either I’d be out. And you’re soooo right an ex is an ex for a reason!!!! I’ve also done that too being off and on with someone and in retrospect I was just like ew why did I even let that linger clearly he was an ex for a reason lol but hey we learn from our mistakes thats for sure! What you do with bday cake, I do the same but with cheesecake! Guilty pleasure! haha I loved reading about you fun post!!! ❤

    xo, JJ


    1. Literally less than two weeks now, its so exciting! Oh my goodness, I can imagine having to go between your parents being hard work. At least you finally got settled for when you were going to school because that’s an important time to need stability. Its actually so long moving around isn’t it? Like you get everything nicely decorated with your ornaments and photos where you please and then you just think, what am I doing this for, I wont be here in another few months. I can imagine your relief if you’ll be renewing your current lease, life will be so much easier for you and its so much hassle trying to look for somewhere new. Like obviously its not the end of the world but you just feel more secure knowing you’ve got somewhere for the next 12 months right? I wish we were renewing our current lease until we can buy but its just too small! Aw thank you hun. I know, his hair is so bright bless him!! Oh gosh it was the worst honestly, one time he even bought her flowers into work I was like really. He never even bought me flowers lol. I had to leave!! Oh definitely. Its easily done isn’t it? Like everytime you think oh what if this is the time it actually works out? and it never is. Absolutely. Everything for a reason. Omgosh I’m sorry but I don’t like cheesecake, to be fair I’ve only tried it the once and apparently the one I tried was dodge. Its not supposed to taste so cheesy right?? Well mine tasted like pure cream cheese. I will have to try a proper one for sure! Thank you lovely, your comment made my day. I love our little comment chats! xx


  3. Always nice getting to know fellow bloggers. I swear, I thought you were an only child lmao. But your nieces and nephew are adorable!! It’s just my brother and me, and between us both, I’m the youngest and I got married first and have a little boy. I’m not sure my brother wants to get into dating again, he’s kinda focusing on himself and his career and saving up. Anyway…I think it’s great that you stuck with beauty school, sometimes it’s your determination that decides whether you’ll be good or not and you just gotta keep going.
    I moved around a lot too when we were little. I was born in LA, and my parents decided to move to northern Mexico for a while when I was two, then within another two years, we moved to southern Mexico and stayed there for about 5 years before we moved back to the states. I’ve been here ever since but we have moved around the town several times.
    Anyway, I think we all have had that on and off boyfriend. Mine was a total mistake and one of the person that changed me forever but I learned to love again and I’m happily married. You will find the one, just give it time. We all have one. 🙂


    1. Haha really? I suppose it’s because a lot of the time it’s just me my mum and dad as all my siblings are older! Thank you Hun! It’s great being the youngest isn’t it? If your brothers happy focusing on himself that’s amazing, sometimes it’s good to do your own thing for a while. Are you guys close? Definitely, I’m glad I stuck with it, thank you! You’ve lived in a lot of places, I’m definitely envious you were born in LA and you got to grow up in Mexico! That’s cool!oh we definitely all have that one ex 🙄 But I’m so happy you found love again and you’re with someone who makes you happy! Thanks Hun xxx


      1. Yes that’s probably why, but I love that youre so close to your parents, not a lot of people are like that anymore, they turn 18 and they decide to go out and live their lives. I for one wish my mom was here with me. 😊 and yeah, my brother and I are close, he called me the day before yesterday and we were on the phone for like 3 hours lol.
        Are you going to be a freelance makeup artist? Or are you right now? I thought I had seen something about it in one if your posts.


      2. Oh I know!! But personally I could never be like that, I love my parents so much and I appreciate them every single day. 💗 Oh that’s brilliant that you guys have a close relationship, 3 hours??! Thats amazing 😂 I can’t remember the last time I had a phone call last that long! I’m working on a makeup counter right now so still in beauty. When I can drive I’ll look more into doing freelance but for now I don’t really do any outside of work.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’m sure they love you just as much 😉 I know right? 3 hours seemed like nothing though. I do miss his company. He was living here with us but when he got laid off from his job and couldn’t find another I told him to go to where my mom is at (another state). He’s been gone since March I think.
        And that’s amazing regardless! You essentially have a job doing what you love, right?!


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